A path to the
core of music
No one else plays like this
and no one could
ever play like this
In Hildenbrand's hands,
a normal guitar becomes
the tool of a Mystic

Music and Mysticism
Why is it called mysticism? Because it cannot be put into words. Words will show us one side of it, but the other side is beyond words. [Hazrat Inayat Khan]
For me, music is the language of the heart, which the intellect cannot fully grasp. In music, religions and mysteries with all their poetic narratives are tangible. I do not subscribe to any religion, but in my experience music can reveal a mystical space, which may appear to be completely irrational, but in reality it is deeply human.
There is a story of a Hindu musician, Tansen, who was at the court of the great emperor Akbar. The emperor asked him: “Tell me, o great musician, who was your teacher?” Tansen replied: “My teacher is a very great musician – but more than that. I cannot call him musician, I must call him music.” [Hazrat Inayat Khan]
At that stage there is just ONE music. All music cultures and genres are just different manifestations of it. I see music as an infinite, labyrinthine palace and I am constantly exploring it and opening new doors, understanding it a bit more.
I can‘t see him, I can't touch him, but my music can touch his feet. [Rabindranath Tagore]
When I play, I have to make decisions in the moment, for that, I have to be present in the moment and I have to let go of my ego. My ultimate aim is this magical space where the music takes the lead and carries the performance, and I, as the performer, feel this deep connection with the audience. It is my greatest reward when this music speaks directly to the soul.
Hub Hildenbrand